America’s “Full Employment” Hides A Dirty Secret

America’s “Full Employment” Hides A Dirty Secret

Should just being “employed” make people/workers happy? On one level, any job is better than no job. But we also derive much of our identities and self-esteem from our work. If you aren’t happy with it, you’re probably not happy generally. Unhappy people can still...
Mauldin: China’s Grand Plan To Take Over The World

Mauldin: China’s Grand Plan To Take Over The World

When the US and ultimately the rest of the Western world began to engage China, resulting in China finally being allowed into the World Trade Organization in the early 2000s, no one really expected the outcomes we see today. There is no simple disengagement...
China Plans To Take Over The US & This Is How by John Mauldin

China Plans To Take Over The US & This Is How by John Mauldin

When the US and ultimately the rest of the Western world began to engage China, resulting in China finally being allowed into the World Trade Organization in the early 2000s, no one really expected the outcomes we see today. There is no simple disengagement...
How GE Screwed Over Its Retirees

How GE Screwed Over Its Retirees

Remember “defined benefit” pensions? That is the kind of plan in which the employer guarantees the worker a set monthly benefit for life. They are increasingly scarce except for small closely held corporations. The same rules apply for small closely held businesses as...
Social Security Is Screwing Millennials

Social Security Is Screwing Millennials

Social Security is a textbook illustration of how government programs go off the rails. It had a noble goal: to help elderly and disabled Americans, who can’t work, maintain a minimal, dignified living standard. Back then, most people either died before...