Why Credit Crunch Matters? It’s the Economic Lifeblood

Why Credit Crunch Matters? It’s the Economic Lifeblood

Have you heard the phrase “credit crunch” a lot lately? Many people are worried because officials at the Federal Reserve aren’t sure if it will cause one and news outlets are warning about how it will affect the economy. But what exactly is a credit...

A Paradigm Shift In Saving Money

Subscribe to RTD and share the monetary awareness videos… Take a few minutes and watch this RTD educational documentation the “A Paradigm Shift In Saving Money”. Share your thoughts below on the shift from conventional savings into more uncommon...
How Fractional Reserve Lending Makes Money Disappear

How Fractional Reserve Lending Makes Money Disappear

According to the popular way of thinking, it is held that banks are responsible for the expansion of lending also known as credit, and given that economic prosperity is associated with an increase in credit, they are seen as crucial to the economic well-being. But are...