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The Simplicity of Money 

The 4 Money Lessons You Will Never Learn in School

Learn four basic lessons of money that every person needs to know. Never before has it been more important to learn the historical journey of the dollar and our monetary system. Click here for more details

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RTD Ep:07 (Pt 2) “Banks Are The Financial Educators Today” – Jerry Robinson

RTD Ep:10 “Monetary Slavery…Putting People Into Debt” – David Quintieri (The Money GPS)

RTD Ep:07 (Pt. 1) “America Is Completely Bankrupt” – Jerry Robinson (Bankruptcy of Our Nation)

RTD Ep:09 (Pt 2) “Fightfor15: Forcing Minimum Wage…Forces Unemployment” – Alasdair Macleod

RTD Ep:06 “Currency Crisis That’s Coming…” – Chris Marchese (co-author The Silver Manifesto)

RTD Ep:12 “Gold Isn’t The Solution…It’s The Problem” – Bill Still (No More National Debt)

RTD Ep:05 “Calculate In Not Only Dollars…But Ounces”- James Turk (Dollar Collapse & Money Bubble)

RTD Ep:04 “Buy Gold, Buy Silver & Have Faith” – Darryl Robert Schoon

RTD Ep:03 (Pt. 2) “Savers Lose Big In What’s Coming” – John Rubino (Co-Author of The Money Bubble)

RTD Ep:03 (Pt.1) “When Money Stops Functioning” – John Rubino (Co-Author of The Money Bubble)

RTD Ep:02 “The Dollar Has Become A Scam” – Stephen Macaskill (CEO of Amagi Inc.)

RTD EP:08 “Highest Cost Of Living In Our Lifetime”- Andy Hoffman (Miles Franklin)

RTD Ep:09 (Pt 1) “Gold: Money That Preserves Purchasing Power” – Alasdair Macleod (GoldMoney)

RTD Ep:16 “Financial Crisis Is Imminent” – Michael Snyder (The Economic Collapse Blog)

RTD Ep:15 (Pt. 2) “The Zimbabwe Dollar Is Completely Out Of Circulation” – Philip Haslam

RTD Ep:15 (Pt.1) “Global Economy Is So Far In Debt” – Philip Haslam (When Money Destroys Nations)

RTD Ep:14 “The Worst Decade Ahead” – Jordan Eliseo (Dire Straits: Money for Nothing, Debt for Free)

RTD Ep:13 “The Death Of The Current Dollar” – Marco Janssen (The Janssen Report)

RTD Ep:01 “Argentinian Citizens – Living Day By Day And Losing It All” – Nico Montero

RTD Ep:11 “Gold: Backstop To The Entire System” – Jordan Roy-Byrne (TheDailyGold)

RTD Ep:19 “The Dollar Is Deteriorating” – Robert Wenzel (The FED Flunks)

RTD Ep:18 “Government Is An Inflation Factory” – Lawrence W. Reed (Foundation for Economic Freedom – FEE)

RTD Ep:17 “The Global Economic Reset Is Coming Sooner Than Later” – Fabian Calvo

RTD Ep:26 “Our Monetary System Is Like A Big Parasite” – Ellen Brown (The Public Bank Solution)

RTD Ep:25 “Monetary Central Planning and the State” – Dr. Richard M. Ebeling

RTD Ep:20 “Currency Created Out Of Thin Air” – Charles Hugh Smith (Why Things Are Falling Apart)

RTD Ep:34 “Precious Metals: The Achilles Heel of Our Financial System” Rob Kirby

RTD Ep:33 “Inflation Is Destructive In Fiat Currency System” John Thor Stub Sneisen

RTD Ep:32 (Pt.2) Cash Is Becoming A Threat – David Haggith

RTD Ep:32 (Pt.1) “Epocalypse: The Second Dip of the Great Recession” – David Haggith

RTD Ep:31 “Big Story in 2016…the Dollar” – James Turk (Gold Money)

RTD Ep:24 “How Cheap Money Will Destroy The World” – Karl Denninger

RTD Ep:30 “GOLD: Only Thing That Can Replace The Dollar” – Keith Weiner (Gold Standard Institute)

RTD Ep:23 “Rethinking Our Entire Approach To Economics” – Harley Schlanger

RTD Ep:29 “Financial Matrix: The Worlds Greatest Form Of Control” – Orrin Woodward

RTD Ep:22 “Money Transcends Everything” – David Morgan (The Silver Manifesto)

RTD Ep:28 “People’s Faith In Fiat Currencies Will Be Tested” – Gervaise Heddle (The Money Enigma)

RTD Ep:21 (Pt:2) “Debt Based Generational Ponzi Scheme Dollars” – Chris Duane

RTD Ep:27 “The Complete Guide to U.S. Junk Silver Coins” – Brian K. Smith

RTD Ep:21 (Pt:1) “Silver: Best Way Of Transferring Your Wealth” Chris Duane (Silver Shield XChange)

RTD Ep:43 “We’ll See Both Negative Rates and Quantitative Easing” – Etai Friedman

RTD Ep:44 “People Want Cash” – Kerry Lutz (Financial Survival Network)

RTD Ep:53 “Eliminating Cash For The State To Have Control” – Dan Popescu (GoldBroker.com)

RTD Ep:52 “Zimbabwe: We Are A Disabled Country” – John Robertson (Robertson Economics)

RTD Ep:51 “(2017) We’re Headed For Turmoil” – John Rubino (DollarCollapse)

RTD Ep:50 “The Dollar Is Going To Have A Lot Of Problems” – Jim Rogers

RTD Ep:49 “One Bad Derivative Trade Away From…Collapse” – Harley Schlanger

RTD Ep:42 “The Dollar Depends On The Weakness of Other Currencies” – Marco Janssen

RTD Ep:48 “The Stock Market Has Me Alarmed” – Jerry Robinson (FTM Daily)

RTD Ep:41 “We Are In Stagflation” – Ed Butowsky (Chapwood Index)

RTD Ep:47 “The Dollar Is Already Dead” – Jeff Nielson (Bullion Bulls Canada)

RTD Ep:54 “Demonetization: The Modi Way” – Kalyan Chakrabarti (Rising Straits Capital)

RTD Ep:46 “The FED Is Walking A Tightrope” – Charles Hugh Smith

RTD Ep:40 “Gold And Silver Are Units Of Wealth”- Gregory Mannarino

RTD Ep:45 “Socialism Can Ruin Your Economic Future” – Thomas DiLorenzo

RTD Ep:39 “They’re Going To Destroy The Dollar” – Anthony Migchels (Real Currencies)

RTD Ep:38 “A Banking Collapse In Europe Is Coming” – Reggie Middleton (Veritaseum)

RTD Ep:37 “The Price of Gold Should Be Double” – Bill Murphy

RTD Ep:36 “The Greater Disease Is The Monetary System” – Alan Myers

RTD Ep:35 “We Really Need To Flush Out The System” – Louis Cammarosano (Smaulgld.com)

RTD Ep:71 “We’re At Peak Level Of Private Debt” – Professor Steve Keen

RTD Ep:69 “A Reset Of All The Global Fiat Currencies Against Gold” – Kevin Massengill (Meraglim Holdings)

RTD Ep:68 “The Long Term Plan Is To Not Own Dollars…” – Lior Gantz (The Wealth Research Group)

RTD Ep:63 “The War On Cash” – Andrew Moran

RTD Ep:67 “The Time Is Coming… It’s A Mathematical Certainty” – Craig Hemke (TF Metals Report)

RTD Ep:62 “Fiat Currency Systems Has Made Society More Centralized” – Jayant Bhandari

RTD Ep:66 “Fed Up – Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad For America” – Danielle DiMartino Booth

RTD Ep:61 “A Weaker Dollar Destroys Americans Savings” – Doug Casey (CaseyResearch)

RTD Ep:55 “The Dollar Is Based On Confidence” – Rick Rule (Sprott Global)

RTD Ep:60 “Q.E. Four Is Almost Guaranteed” – Dr. Marc Faber (GloomBoomDoom)

RTD Ep:70 “Precious Metals Always Withstand Every Financial Crisis” – Chris Blasi (Neptune Global Holdings)

RTD Ep:59 “The Rise Of A New Monetary System” – Bo Polny (Gold2020Forecast)

RTD Ep:58 “Biggest Depression In The History Of The World” – Andrew Higgins

RTD Ep:57 “Inflation Is A Form Of Theft” – Simon Black (SovereignMan)

RTD Ep:56 “We Are On A Financial Treadmill” – Philip Kennedy (Kennedy Financial)

RTD Ep:64 “All Global Fiat Currencies…Enslave People” – J.S. Kim (SmartKnowledgeU)

RTD Ep:65 “Only Gold & Silver Is Going To Safeguard Wealth” – Dr. Madhusudan Raj

RTD Ep:74 ‘The Purchasing Power Of The Dollar Can Definitely Go Below Zero’ – Lynette Zang (ITM Trading)

RTD Ep:73 ‘Gold: The Go To Metal Against U.S. Dollar Devaluation’ – Jeff Swinoga (First Gold Mining Corp.)

RTD Ep:72 “(2018) The Greater Depression Part Two” – Michael Pento (Pento Portfolio Strategies)

RTD Ep:82 “People Don’t Have Any Money Insurance” – Brian McGinty (Director at Karatbars)

RTD Ep:88 Blockchain Technology: ‘Every Person Will Have Their Own Currency’ – Cameron Chell

RTD Ep’81 ‘Discovering The Egyptian Mountain of Gold’ – Mark Campbell (CEO of Aton Resources)

RTD Ep:87 ‘Trump Only Cares About The Stock Market’ – Dave Kranzler

RTD Ep:80 ‘God’s Money: A Biblical Study of Gold & Silver’ –

RTD Ep:86 “You Can Print Dollars But You Can’t Print Gold” – Warwick Smith

RTD Ep:79 ‘The Cannabis Sector Is The Next Wave Of Opportunity’ – Malay Panchal (Pure Global Cannabis Inc.)

RTD Ep:78 ‘The Central Bank Trap: Disguising Problems With Monetary Laughing Gas’ – Daniel Lacalle

RTD Ep:77 “Blockchain Is The Next Wave Of Technological Disruption” – Anthony Lacavera (Globalive Capital Inc.)

RTD Ep:76 “Digital Money Is All About Trust” – Frank Holmes

RTD Ep:75 ‘A Paradigm Shift With Energy Is Happening’ – Tim McCutcheon (Wealth Minerals LTD)

RTD Ep:84 ‘The Role of the Dollar Can Change Dramatically in the Next Few Years’ – Chen Lin

The Economy Is Running Downhill Pretty Fast w/ David Haggith

RTD Ep:85 “Currencies Issued By Government Is A Giant Confidence Game” – Joel Bowman (International Man)

The Yield Curve Is Telling The Fed To Cut Rates w/ Kevin C. Smith

The Global Banking System Is Collapsing w/ Max Keiser

The Next Crash Is Going To Be Horrific w/ Jerry Robinson

RTD Ep:90 “Wall Street Safe Havens Are Not Safe” – Chris Marcus (Arcadia Economics)

RTD Ep:83 ‘Educating Yourself Is A Way To Preserve Your Wealth’ – Brian Leni (Junior Stock Review)

RTD Ep:89 “Gold Can Turn Parabolic” – Otavio Costa of Crescat Capital (Global Macro Analyst)

The Printing of Money is Destroying the System w/ Mark Moss

It’s A High Probability Inflation Will Be A Real Problem w/ Lawrence Lepard

Something Credit Related Will Pop The Next Bubble

Negative Interest Rates Don’t Work w/ Vincent Deluard

Mining Equities Will Perform Well w/ Max Porterfield

Gold SuperCycle: Get Ready For Gold To Take Off w/ Farshad Shirvani

Investors Should Keep A Finger On The Trigger w/ David Scranton

Market Panic Always Creates Opportunities w/ Raghee Horner

Assess Your Risk & Prepare For A Retraction w/ John Grace

GOLD Guarantee: Price Will Go Higher As People Get More Nervous w/ Edward Karr

GOLD Guarantee: Price Will Go Higher As People Get More Nervous w/ Edward Karr

Government Spending & Very Low Interest Rates Create Recession Problems w/ John B. Hearn

GOLD Guarantee: Price Will Go Higher As People Get More Nervous w/ Edward Karr

China’s Silk Road Gold Fund Is Investing To Create Wealth w/ Chris Devonshire-Ellis

GOLD Guarantee: Price Will Go Higher As People Get More Nervous w/ Edward Karr

The Dollar Days Are Numbered w/ Ronnie Stoeferle (Incrementum AG)

Economic Disconnect: How ‘Stealth Easing’ Can Hurt Retirees w/ Al Caicedo

Minus 2% Interest Rates Could Be The Barrier That Precipitates A Banking Crisis w/ Shaun Richards

Pension Funds During The Next Market Correction Will Be Unrecoverable w/ Donald Dempsey

The Federal Reserve Purchasing Equities Could Be A Part Of The Tool Kit w/ Shalin Madan

The Gold To Silver Ratio Is An Anomaly w/ Andy Schectman

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