We Have Never Seen A Home Buying Frenzy Quite Like This

We Have Never Seen A Home Buying Frenzy Quite Like This

Could you imagine listing your home for sale and having nearly 100 offers in just three days?  This sort of thing is actually happening in hot real estate markets all over America right now. Even though we are in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the...

Fed-Driven Bubble Destined To End Badly

Reassurance from central banks is only emboldening investors to add to their risks. Regardless of what he says Fed Chair Powell has confirmed the Fed plans to continue its role as the great enabler. Every time the Fed signals more easing or that it will keep rates low...
Next Up: Global Depression

Next Up: Global Depression

The belief that central banks printing currency can “buy/fix” everything that’s broken, lost or scarce is the ultimate in denial, fantasy and magical thinking. Let’s revisit the pandemic projection chart I prepared on February 2, 2020, nine...