What is a Dollar? The biggest mystery known to man that’s never asked. Our life revolves around working for them yet when asked the question what is it no one truly knows. Since we’re not taught in school about it or told the truth about it from news sources, I thought I would point you in the direction of where to find out for yourself.
Think about this for a second. One of the main reasons starting in third grade children are taught to write in cursive is to learn how to sign their names on documents. No other time will a person truly need to write their name in cursive unless signing some form of an agreement between themselves and another party. In most cases, everyone’s told to make sure and read the fine print before signing anything. All legal contracts in order to be considered valid are written on a piece of paper and signed by two parties making the document official.
The dollar in this case is an excellent example of a contract between two parties, The United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank. If you look closely at a dollar bill, better known as Federal Reserve Notes, you will see various types of writings which include numbers, emblems, signatures and all types of wonderfully printed pictures. One thing I bet you never played close attention to is the fact that there are signatures on the document. Even better, I bet you never read and understood the fine print that everyone’s supposed to know before getting into a contract.
You might be saying to yourself, “I never signed my name on a dollar bill?” Well you never signed your name with ink but we all sign off on it daily when we use it for all debts, public and private. To be clear the actual contract is between the branch of government of the United States Government known as the Treasury. The signature on the bottom right-hand side of the Federal Reserve Note is the representative of we the people on behalf of our government. That person’s job is to manage the nation’s finances. The second party that makes up the contract is none other than the name at the top of the contract The Federal Reserve. Each denomination of what we use as money is actually a contract between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank.
To answer the question of, “What is a dollar?” The best way to answer that question is to read the fine print. Every legal document must have the agreed upon stipulations of the contract between both parties written plainly in case of dispute. The definition of a dollar the is written on the left hand side of all bills. “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER…”
All contracts are written to fulfill the best interest of all sides involved. No one gets into an agreement unless it benefits them in one way or the other. The dollar contract is no different. In the fine print of the money we use everyday lies the benefit of both parties involved in less than eleven words.
The Federal Reserve benefits in the deal by lending the paper with numbers on it that we call money. Even though the paper has no intrinsic value whatsoever we have been taught to use it as something of value. The words “This Note..” is how the FED is satisfied in the deal. If you think about the word note, when is a note ever something useful. Whenever a note is mentioned it is in reference to a car note, house note, boat note or something of that nature. The word note is not something desirable to have because it means debt. A note is an obligation to pay for something to someone else. The FED benefits by printing paper for us to use and charges us interest to use it. Every piece of paper they loan, which is a debt signed off on by the Treasury, is owed back with interest. The FED makes a profit by lending debt for us to use as money.
The Treasury, on behalf of the Unites States Government, benefits by making the Federal Reserve Notes LEGAL TENDER. The only way the government can afford to operate is to borrow money. The first legal tender law came into effect during the Civil War and since then has been the primary way of supporting government. Legal tender laws are regulations enforced by law which means you have to accept Federal Reserve Notes regardless. Instead of producing value in the market place it has been easier to just borrow money through selling Treasury bonds (IOU’s) to the FED in exchange for pieces of paper known as Federal Reserve Notes.
This contract between the FED and Treasury has worked well so far for all parties. The FED makes money by creating paper that has to be used or else and the Treasury stays open for business by funding the government at the taxpayers expense. Now you know what a dollar really is. A debt agreement imposed by the government between the FED and the United States Treasury. This has been an ongoing contract for 101 years starting back on December 23, 1913, the day the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law.
The only problem with this agreement is that both parties have benefited immensely at the third parties expense. The third party is you and Me, the taxpayer. The FED makes money, the government gets to spend it and the citizens get robbed by it. The citizens get robbed because we are stuck in the middle funding the whole operation. Now you have it, the dollar defined. This is information you definitely didn’t learn in school. Even more of a reason to begin rethinking the dollar.