Detroit Police Issue 736 Citations, Shutdown Dozens Of Parties During Lockdown

Apr 19, 2020 | World News

Detroit Police have touted on social media that they issued hundreds of citations and broke up dozens of parties during the coronavirus lockdown, reported Detroit Free Press.

A new Facebook post via the Detroit Police Department details how thousands of folks across Wayne County, or mainly in the Detroit Urban Area, have neglected to follow Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-home order.

The post reads: “Thank you Detroit for being the eyes and the ears of our community. Since April 4, Detroit Police Officers have checked over 10,631 locations, given 1,614 warnings, issued 736 citations, shutdown over 24 parties and closed 27 businesses to ensure compliance with the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order…”

The incident report data was released on Friday and dated back to April 4. The problem developing, as shown in the chart below, is that warmer weather trends are ahead for Detroit, which means more and more people will be outside, and make it near impossible for police officers to enforce public health orders.

“Social Distancing Scoreboard,” an app that tracks the GPS location of smartphones and grades geographical regions, such as a town, county, and or even a state, on how well residents in those areas are abiding by the government-enforced social distancing rules, grades Wayne County, the area where Detroit resides, with a “C,” noting that residents are doing an okay job but not the best at following social distancing rules.  

As of Saturday morning, 30,023 virus cases have been confirmed in Michigan, with at least 2,227 deaths. 

Detroit police also said they shutdown 27 businesses that were illegally operating during the lockdown.

On Friday, Whitmer said the stay-at-home order would be relaxed on May 1. It came one day after conservative groups surrounded the state’s Capitol building and demanded a reopening of the crashed economy.

Warmer weather trends across the country are expected through April, making it near impossible for the government to enforce stay-at-home orders. This means probabilities will increase for a second coronavirus wave. 



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