What is Rethinking the Dollar??? David Haggith

Nov 2, 2022 | Financial Literacy, Monetary Education

Find out what David Haggith, creator of The Great Recession Blog, has to say about Rethinking the Dollar. If you enjoy this segment please share it so others can become more monetarily aware.

Picture: 2006 $1 Federal Reserve Note

Watch the full interview here:
RTD Ep:32 (Pt.1) “Epocalypse: The Second Dip of the Great Recession” – David Haggith https://youtu.be/w6NEfjvud5g

RTD Ep:32 (Pt2) Cash Is Becoming A Threat – David Haggith

A new monetary paradigm starts by visiting the RTD University website. Choose from over 30+ hours of monetary and financial interviews from experts that will help you think beyond the pending dollar demise –


Five Reasons to Rethink the Dollar

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