Fewer people are dying from the novel coronavirus than previously estimated, according to a study from Britain published Monday in the medical journal Lancet Infectious Diseases. Governments of the world lied about the severity of the virus to enact totalitarian policies while the public cowered in fear.
In the new study, the researchers did note that people who are 50 years or older have a substantially higher risk of dying or developing severe illness from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), however, the actual death rate is .1% which is near that of the flu. The researchers gleaned their findings from a comprehensive analysis of virus cases in mainland China that they noted can be applied to other countries.
The government has been refusing to allow businesses to reopen even though it has become clear that this pandemic is not the crisis we were brainwashed into believing it was. Newly revealed tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to the American public and grossly overstated the severity of the coronavirus. He then destroyed people’s livelihoods and crushed small businesses because of it.
Referring to the coronavirus death rate in early March, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus Taskforce, predicted, “If you look at the cases that have come to the attention of the medical authorities in China, and you just do the math, the math is about two percent.” –Breitbart
The new study, however, estimated the coronavirus death rate to be as low as 0.66 percent. The government knowingly lied to force totalitarian controls on the public and panic people into giving up their natural human rights. If they didn’t, the release of this information would mean an immediate reopening of businesses. Since that hasn’t happened, it can be deduced that they are wanting to be control of when people are allowed to make money again.
When the Lancet study researchers took into account cases that may not have been clinically confirmed — mild or asymptomatic infections — the death rate in mainland China dropped to 0.66 percent, a figure that is still more than six times higher than the 0.1 percent of people killed by the flu in the United States.
When the researchers ignored the unconfirmed cases, they found that the coronavirus death rate in mainland China rose to 1.38 percent, a number that is still lower than Fauci’s earlier estimate. “Our estimates can be applied to any country to inform decisions around the best containment policies for COVID-19,” Azra Ghani, a Lancet study co-author from the Imperial College London, reportedly said. “There might be outlying cases that get a lot of media attention, but our analysis very clearly shows that at age 50 and over, hospitalization is much more likely than in those under 50, and a greater proportion of cases are likely to be fatal,” Ghani added according to a report by Breitbart.
One of five individuals over 80 who caught the coronavirus required hospitalization, compared to around one percent of people under 30, the study showed.
In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 163,500 cases of the virus and 2,900 fatalities as of Tuesday.
Based on those figures, the death rate would be higher than predicted by the Lancet study, because those numbers only account for confirmed cases, ignoring the undiagnosed figures. –Breitbart
Not to mention the United States is grossly overstating coronavirus deaths to keep the public in a constant state of fear. Panicked people are easier to control than those who approach a problem with logic. The government has weaponized fear and the shots have landed.
by Mac Slavo