We Should See $65 Silver By September… Here’s Why!!!

Aug 8, 2020 | Economic Collapse, Silver

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny says, “Silver is still a steal. I think silver could go to $65 per ounce, and we could see that as early as September, but surely before the end of the year. . . .

It might go to three digits by the end of the year. It’s going to be really fun to watch. Silver turns into rocket fuel in 2021 in the real bull market that we are waiting for. So, we ain’t seen nothing yet.” Gold is also heading much higher, according to Polny’s cycles, and “$2,500 per ounce in September is very possible and could be much higher.”

Bottom line, Polny says, “Gold and silver will continue to get more expensive, and prices will continue to explode higher.” In the stock and bond market, Polny says, “We have not seen the real crash yet. What we saw in March was a prelude to the crash.”

Polny says the two things you should do now is “keep praying and vote this November to make the second Trump cycle become a reality.”

In closing, Polny says your faith in Christ is the most important thing to have.

Video originated on USAWatchDog with Greg Hunter…

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