Bill says the failure of the cartel this week is unprecedented, and if the cartel can’t contain gold’s price by Friday, then…
Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) and Le Metropole Cafe interviewed by Half Dollar of Silver Doctors.
Bill Murphy sat down with Paul Eberhart for an explosive interview on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019.
Topics discussed include:
- Current state of the manipulation of gold & silver
- How important is this week for the gold cartel?
- Why has silver barely moved higher in price?
- What’s going on with the gold-to-silver ratio?
- The gold standard, Freedom & Liberty
- What if the cartel can’t contain price this week?
- The current risk-reward for gold & silver and the gold-to-silver ratio
For discussion on those topics and a whole lot more, tune in to the interview in its entirety: