The United Nations and the World Economic Forum: The Future of Digital Identity

Jun 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

The United Nations (UN) has been leading a global initiative for a digital identification system tied to individual bank accounts, with a vision of harmonizing the global financial system with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, this system has raised concerns about individual privacy and freedom. The initiative bears resemblance to the system developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has partnered with a leading Swedish biometric company to further their own agenda of digitizing humanity. This article explores the potential negative impacts of these initiatives on digital identity and the future of personal autonomy.

Digital IDs: A Centralized System of Control

Digital IDs integrate with bank or mobile money accounts and are promoted as beneficial, but the question remains: at what cost to individual privacy and freedom? The UN seeks to regulate our digital future under the guise of promoting international cooperation and stakeholder involvement. Today, we have access to various digital identification systems with varying privacy standards. However, the UN’s initiative is concerning, as it aims to create a centralized system of control by unelected bureaucrats that connects people, devices, and entities.

The Vision of a Digital Future

The negative impacts of these initiatives are being downplayed as having concerns limited to civil society or select groups excluded from social benefits. However, in reality, everyone could be affected by this dystopian future. The UN’s vision of a digital future may not be open, free, or human-centric. Their initiative could be a threat to human rights and democracy by ceding control of personal autonomy to a few. The key players, including the UN Chief, the Group of 20, the Economic and Social Council, and the heads of international financial institutions, are all working towards a global digital compact.

The WEF’s Role in Digitizing Humanity

The WEF has allied with a leading Swedish biometric company to further their own agenda of digitizing humanity. They see it as a means of social inclusion, but in reality, it is just a stepping stone towards a world where every move is tracked and traced. The partnership enables the WEF to use biometric data – fingerprints, scanned irises, and faces – to create digital identities for individuals. While the WEF says this is for a good cause, the reality is that it will lead to a loss of personal autonomy and privacy.

The Need for Awareness and Action

It is time to be aware and take action as the future of our digital identity hangs in the balance. The centralized system of control being pushed by the UN and the WEF is not a desirable future for anyone. To protect individual rights and freedom, we need to be aware of the potential negative impacts of these initiatives and speak out against them. The UN and the WEF may have their own agendas, but it is up to individual citizens and civil society to ensure that initiatives intended to improve our lives do not compromise our fundamental human rights.

In conclusion, the UN’s initiative for a digital ID system and the WEF’s push to digitize humanity raise concerns about the potential loss of personal autonomy and privacy. While these initiatives may be promoted as beneficial, they could have dystopian consequences on our digital future. As responsible citizens, it is up to us to ensure that our digital future is open, free, and human-centric, and not one that cedes control to a few unelected bureaucrats.


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