The Deserted Treasure Hunt: Saudi Arabia’s Vision Beyond Oil

The Deserted Treasure Hunt: Saudi Arabia’s Vision Beyond Oil

In the blistering heat of the Saudi desert, Renier Swiegers isn’t drilling for oil but hunting for something equally captivating: metals worth trillions. Saudi Arabia, known for its oil supremacy, now eyes the vast wealth underneath – not oil, but metals. Saudi...
Is $10 Oil on The Horizon?

Is $10 Oil on The Horizon?

According to a number of cognitive scientists, mankind uses its unique ability to reason primarily for justifying pre-held convictions, rather than for forming convictions. It is of critical importance for strategists to understand and acknowledge this human tendency,...
Luongo: Oil Unimpressed with OPEC Production Cut

Luongo: Oil Unimpressed with OPEC Production Cut

For a long time, I’ve been handicapping the end of OPEC’s ability to set oil prices.  With each passing year the cartel has had a harder time pushing prices where it wanted or, in some cases, needed them to go. The actions of the Trump administration to push domestic...