Bitcoin Surges Past $10,000 In Zimbabwe

RTD News keeps you up to date on what’s happening around the globe. Thanks for watching this important update, “Bitcoin Surges Past $10,000 In Zimbabwe”. Visit for more information on the future of...
FED KILLS THE ECONOMY BY 2022 – Michael Pento

FED KILLS THE ECONOMY BY 2022 – Michael Pento

Money manager and economist Michael Pento warns to keep your eyes on the Fed.  It will be responsible for the next market crash coming this year or next.  Just look what happened after the most recent Fed meeting last week. Pento says, “After the June FOMC meeting,...

Fed-Driven Bubble Destined To End Badly

Reassurance from central banks is only emboldening investors to add to their risks. Regardless of what he says Fed Chair Powell has confirmed the Fed plans to continue its role as the great enabler. Every time the Fed signals more easing or that it will keep rates low...