Breaking Data Shows The Pivot of the Fed Is Now Here

Breaking Data Shows The Pivot of the Fed Is Now Here

The Federal Reserve, led by Jerome Powell, has recently announced a pivot in their monetary policy. This pivot will allow the Fed to revert to an easy money policy, which means that they will be able to print more money and stimulate the economy. This change in policy...
Your Life Is Being Stolen Right Now | Modern Slavery

Your Life Is Being Stolen Right Now | Modern Slavery

The resources that we value — time, money, labor, tools, land, and raw materials; exist in limited supply. There are simply never enough resources to meet all our needs, and desires — creating a condition known as, ‘scarcity. Of all the resources,...
How Bitcoin Energy Narrative Is An Attack On Bitcoin

How Bitcoin Energy Narrative Is An Attack On Bitcoin

You might have heard the term ESG being thrown around quite a bit lately. Its a big narrative being pushed that seem to point to companies wanting to be more energy efficient while reducing their carbon footprints for a cleaner planet. Which sounds great, but… While...
The Federal Reserves Only 2 Choices | Bad and Worse

The Federal Reserves Only 2 Choices | Bad and Worse

The Federal Reserve has only two choices left, and none of them are good! While the markets are hitting new all-time highs, the economy seemly seems to be getting back on track. People are feeling bullish, like never before. Underneath all of this, there is trouble...