‘When Money Dies’ All Promises Are Broken

‘When Money Dies’ All Promises Are Broken

WHEN a nation’s money is no longer a source of security, and when inflation has become the concern of an entire people, it is natural to turn for information and guidance to the history of other societies who have already undergone this most tragic and upsetting...
Hitting Zero: 700 Years Of Declining Global Real Interest Rates

Hitting Zero: 700 Years Of Declining Global Real Interest Rates

A recent study by Yale economist Paul Schmelzing suggests that global real interest rates “could soon enter permanently negative territory.” In Mesopotamia around the third millennium B.C. there were two types of money circulating: barley and silver. The interest rate...

Slower Growth in Ageing Economies Is Not Inevitable

Article originally appeared on The Economist (HERE) For the first time in history, the Earth has more people over the age of 65 than under the age of five. In another two decades the ratio will be two-to-one, according to a recent analysis by Torsten Sløk of Deutsche...