The Fed Will Buy 40% Of US Treasury Net Issuance In 2020

The Fed Will Buy 40% Of US Treasury Net Issuance In 2020

With the federal deficit running 22% higher during the first ten months of 2019 compared to the same period last year ($800bn vs. 655bn), student loans and other federal programs which increase the Treasury’s overall borrowing are running somewhat lower. Given the...
The Globally Systemic Banks Are Getting Ready To Blow

The Globally Systemic Banks Are Getting Ready To Blow

Nearly 30,000 investment-banking jobs are on the chopping board this year as the global banking industry looks set for a gloomy second half of 2019.  The Financial Times reported that most of the cuts have been in European banks, with Deutsche Bank...
Will Deutsche Bank Crash The Markets – w/ Dave Kranzler

Will Deutsche Bank Crash The Markets – w/ Dave Kranzler

Deutsche Bank had a big restructure over the weekend, leaving many concerned that a potential failure could be the spark to crash the markets. Given their massive derivative position, a Deutsche Bank failure could also potentially be the break point in the precious...
Deutsche Bank: The Domino’s Are Falling Right Now

Deutsche Bank: The Domino’s Are Falling Right Now

Deutsche Bank is dramatically shrinking its investment bank and retreating from operations around the world. CEO Christian Sewing described it as “faster and more radical” than previous turnaround efforts, and “nothing less than a fundamental rebuilding of...