Stocks And Gold: What Happened Last Week

Stocks And Gold: What Happened Last Week

The coronavirus crisis is perhaps the real “Black Swan” that no one saw coming.  While the virus pulled the trigger on the loaded weapon aimed at the stock market, it’s not the cause of the fastest 10% decline in the history of stock market.  Using “as adjusted” GAAP...
Gold Signaling A Financial System Disaster Will Hit

Gold Signaling A Financial System Disaster Will Hit

And it’s not just gold. The Fed is already hinting that more money printing is coming.  Powell suggested at his semi-annual Congressional testimony that QE would be used in the next recession.  A couple other Fed officials this week confirmed that the FOMC...
Printed Money Blowing The Bubbles Even Bigger

Printed Money Blowing The Bubbles Even Bigger

The total US market valuation  at $33.9 trillion is 157.4% of the last reported GDP. It’s the highest market valuation ever. The more the policy-makers try to pump and jawbone the market higher, the worse the consequences will be on the downside when the rug is pulled...