RTD Ep:37 “The Price of Gold Should Be Double” Bill Murphy

Sep 17, 2022 | Economic Collapse, Fiat Currency, Financial Literacy, Monetary Education

2016 RTD Motto: Watch, Learn, Act and Share…

Thanks for watching this interview with Bill Murphy from Gata.org & Lemetropolecafe.com. Share your thoughts below and a thumbs up if you enjoy this conversation.

In this interview we discuss:
1. What comes to mind when Bill hears the words, “Rethinking the Dollar?”
2. Why is monetary information more important than ever?
3. What would Bill Murphy’s “Global State of the Economy” entail and why?
4. How he first uncovered the manipulation in the precious metals markets?
5. How has the price suppression benefited the Government and Wall Street?
6. Why are eastern nations rushing into gold and the west is not?
7. What his thoughts on the Federal Reserve Note in the days ahead?

To learn more about Bill Murphy visit his website: http://www.lemetropolecafecom & http://www.gata.org


DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this interview are those of the guest and not necessarily of “Rethinking the Dollar”. Opinions expressed in this video should not be relied upon for making investment decisions and do not constitute personalized investment advice. The information shared is for the sole purpose of education.


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