The Saudis want to break free from U.S. influence and hedge their bets with China and the Russians
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Since the “Nixon Shock” of 1971 when the Gold Window was closed to the world, it disconnected the American people from a dependable retirement.
Over the last 50 years compounding inflation has eroded the purchasing power of the dollar making it harder and harder to save for retirement. There’s a lot more to the story that not only effects you but the entire world.
If you think that working hard and saving money will help you retire, you better think again. In an age where pensions are relics of the past, why do we still believe that retirement exists? All financial experts say the same thing. “It’s not too late to save for retirement.” They’re wrong. You Read This Report And Make Sure That It Doesn’t Happen To You!
Find out more in this FREE download below:
Retirement is a Myth: The American Dream Turns Into a Nightmare
The idea of working hard, staying loyal to your employer for 40 years, and retiring comfortably at age 65 is a nice thought – and it made sense in previous generations, when pension plans, Social Security, and other safety nets could be counted on to support us and reward us for all the years we contributed to the system.