‘New Bretton Woods Moment’ Ends With A Global Stablecoin (CBDC is Phase #1)

Oct 19, 2020 | Monetary Education

On Thursday, October 15, the IMF published a speech written by the IMF’s Washington, DC managing director, Kristalina Georgieva called “A New Bretton Woods Moment.”

The article has caused sound money and free-market advocates to grow concerned that a big change is coming and possibly a great financial reset. The IMF is now calling for a push for cross-boarder payments and financial inclusion using CBDC’s. Very few know that the G20 nations has assembled a board call the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to begin working on the framework for the ‘Global Stablecoin’ as well.

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‘New Bretton Woods Moment’ Ends With A Global Stablecoin (CBDC is Phase #1)


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