Aug 3, 2020 | Economic Collapse

Mask propaganda and the third wave are the newest brainwashing ideals being pushed by MSM. But what if it’s more sinister than we could imagine?

This is nothing new, but for some strange reason, the political puppets need you all to wear a mask. Jim Murren, the head of Nevada’s coronavirus task force says it is “not your right to not wear a mask.”

This lacks logic on all fronts. It’s still difficult to figure out why they are so desperate to get as many people as possible in face masks unless this isn’t about logic at all, but control. Murren, who heads the Nevada COVID-19 Response, Relief, and Recovery Task Force, made the comments at the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance’s Las Vegas Perspective event on Tuesday.

It surprising that people aren’t just returning to their lives and ignoring these tyrants. Just how much enslavement will it take to get Americans to wake up? The masks are not for your good, and they never were. Just listen to Fauci say it:

Mask propaganda and the third wave are the newest brainwashing ideals being pushed by mainstream media. But what if it’s more sinister than we could imagine?

We should all be aware by now that this is a spiritual battle for your mind. Look around.  You’re surrounded by propaganda, and if you can’t remove your cognitive biases for just a moment to realize it, you are going to have a hard time in the upcoming months. Be aware, but prepare.

This is all by design, and once you realize the government is nothing more than theater to distract you from what the Federal Reserve is doing, you will be able to see how to prepare and be ready for what’s coming. Never succumb to fear,  but you need to know what’s happening.  You need to open your eyes ad be aware of the global take over so you can prepare to the best of your ability. These psychopaths feed on fear, so instead of being afraid, learn, grown, become self-reliant, and store food and water. 

It’s All Been Planned: Prepare For The Great Reset

None of this is ending anytime soon because there are not enough people who see the truth. Once people wake up to what’s happening, we can begin to work together to create a better world without this master-slave relationship we all have with the current ruling class puppets doing the bidding of the Federal Reserve.

by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan

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