2016 RTD Motto: Watch, Learn, Act and Share…
Thanks for watching this interview with Etai Friedman of Ayal Capital Management. Share your thoughts below and give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this conversation.
In this interview we discuss:
1. What is Rethinking the Dollar?
2. Why monetary education is so important in today’s economic environment?
3. How has $230 Trillion in global debt impacted markets and investors confidence?
4. How has the European policies affected the pending FED policies?
5. The impact of the sovereign debt on the global economy.
6. What is the next step for the FED in terms of easing? (Helicopter Money)
7. What country will be the biggest problem to deal with? (China)
8. What will the Dollar look like in 2, 5, or 10 years?
9. What would he recommend?
DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this interview are those of the guest and not necessarily of “Rethinking the Dollar”. Opinions expressed in this video should not be relied upon for making investment decisions and do not constitute personalized investment advice. The information shared is for the sole purpose of education.