RTD Live Talk w/ Elijah Johnson of Finance and Liberty (Call In On Skype)

Oct 19, 2022 | Financial Literacy, Monetary Education

Thanks to Robert M. for calling in and sharing what was on his mind…

To find our more about Elijah Johnson and the great work he does online visit his website here: https://www.financeandliberty.com/

During our conversation we talked about money, politics and world events. Stay tuned for the next conversation on RTD Live Talk and join us via Skype by calling in at (User ID: RTDlive) to share what’s on your mind.

Topics such as…
What are your thoughts on the economy?
What are your thoughts on President Trump?
What are some ways you are taking action in preparing for the days ahead?

We want to know what questions or concerns you the most. The best way to educate and encourage others is to share your knowledge and wisdom.

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