The Saudis want to break free from U.S. influence and hedge their bets with China and the Russians
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Some say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. I would agree, but I think it gets worse. The same people who don’t believe the devil exists also tend to believe that governments are truly run and operated by the people. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
Regardless of your beliefs, most people would admit that there must be a source behind all the evil in the world. For some, it’s easier to name that source: Satan, Lucifer, the God of this World, and so on. No matter what name or title you use, we’re still talking about the same being.
If there’s so much evil in the world, there has to be a source or a deeper, more sinister plan at work. All the debt, death, and destruction caused by governments suggest an influencing power behind their actions.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a Ph.D. to see the similarities in how governments globally operate—all in the name of spreading democracy. In the USA, we fight wars across the world, claiming to restore democracy in regions oppressed by dictators. The United States government has even overthrown other nations’ elected or self-appointed leaders in the name of democracy.
The so-called “American Dream” was built on the U.S. gaining reserve currency status under the Gold Standard, but everything changed when the gold window closed in 1971. That marked the beginning of the fiat currency era, where debt and currency debasement became the norm. Through these practices, the Federal Reserve and commercial banks have essentially stolen the dreams of everyday Americans.
All of this has been done in the name of promoting, defending, and demonstrating what democracy should look like to the rest of the world.
If Satan’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy, then it seems his kingdom operates on the very principles we’ve been subjected to—or, worse, deceived into believing are the best model of governance.
The Bible refers to Satan as the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and the “prince of this world” (John 12:31). It also says he has a kingdom (Matthew 12:26). If Satan has a position and a title, what do you think his government’s core tenets might be? You guessed it: to kill, steal, and destroy.
The principles of Satan’s kingdom seem to be alive and well today, disguised as democracy. This means the guiding forces and spiritual influences operating in Washington, D.C., and other nations pushing the democracy narrative, align with Satan’s governing structure.
One clear example of Satan’s influence in government is found in the Bible, when Jesus was tempted by Satan after his 40-day fast, just before starting His ministry. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He would worship him (Matthew 4:8–9):
“Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. ‘All this I will give You,’ he said, ‘if You will bow down and worship me.’”
Now, think about it: How could Satan offer the kingdoms (governments) of the world unless he had influence over them? And how was he ruling over all those governments at the same time?
The answer is simple: Satan was the guiding influence behind the leaders of those governments. Back then, there were no democracies—only monarchies ruled by kings and queens, where the king’s word was law.
That was a tempting proposition for Jesus, but we all know how that conversation ended. The lesson here is that while governments and political systems may change over time, the same guiding forces remain in power.
Satan’s goal is to influence humanity to do his bidding, no matter the form of government—whether it’s democracy, communism, colonialism, or any other system. His principles of theft, destruction, and deceit always seem to prevail.
Democracy, in particular, is often packaged as a system where people believe they have representation and a voice. But we all know that special interests and non-government organizations truly make the rules. Politicians follow the policies of those who write the biggest checks. For example, consider AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
Last year, Thomas Massie, a Republican congressman from Kentucky, claimed that every Republican in Congress, except for himself, has an “AIPAC babysitter.” This person communicates directly with Congress members on behalf of AIPAC, influencing policy and swaying decisions. These same individuals often contribute to re-election campaigns, ensuring their access and influence remain intact.
This means that those elected by the people are often compromised. Their decisions are influenced by outside forces, creating policies that may not align with the interests of the public.
In the end, regardless of your political affiliations or religious views, if you recognize that evil exists and influences people, then it’s not hard to see how Satan’s kingdom could be at work in Washington, D.C., and beyond.
The Bible provides a guide for how we should live and govern: “You shall not kill, steal, or bear false witness against your neighbor.” If we are not guided by love for our neighbors, then we are far from the truth.
So, at the end of the day, no matter what politicians or presidents say, remember that a guiding force is influencing their decisions. The real question is: Will those policies lead to more theft, killing, and destruction from the evil one, or will they reflect truth, justice, and righteousness from the King of Kings?