Enter to win a FREE Cashless Society T-Shirt just by taking time to educate yourself.
The goal is to spread awareness on the threat of our right and need to possess physical cash outside the control and eyes of financial institutions.
This giveaway is intended to take the Cashless Society movement out into the streets for the layman to notice and start asking questions. All it takes is a simple conversation that can lead to an eye opening revelation of a single person to the current Financial Matrix we are living in.
Rules for participating in the Cashless Society T-Shirt Giveaway:
1. Visit the RTD Store and Download all 3 Free educational books. http://bit.ly/RTDstore
2. Fill out order details. Subscribe and leave YouTube channel name and Facebook username inside the Additional Information tab on page 2 of checkout at the RTD Store. (In order to verify full participation) Visit here to like the RTD Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/rethinkingthedollar
3. Share this video on your social media pages to support the giveaway.
4. Read and share the E-Books that will be delivered to you via email with family and friends to help them learn for themselves the history of our nation and monetary system.
On the last two Friday’s of this month (9/23 & 9/30) a winner from the new weekly participants will be acknowledged. Only the person who completes all the steps mentioned above will be considered. Once steps are verified the winner will be contacted based upon information provided during the Free E-book checkout to confirm shirt size (Adult S,M,L or XXL only) and address for the free t-shirt shipment.
***Offer Only Available for Residents Living In The U.S.A***
If you have any questions please ask below in the comment section and I will make sure to reply.
Looking forward to getting a shirt out to the winners.
Additional information on the move for a Cashless Society.
1. RTD Ep:32 (Pt2) Cash Is Becoming A Threat – David Haggith
2. RTD News: Harvard Economist Is Trying to Kill Cash
3. RTD News: The Curse of Cash – Economist Ken Rogoff
4. RTD News: Preparing for a World Without Cash