2020 Summer Olympics In Tokyo To Be Cancelled? Strong & Healthy Elite Athletes Can Easily Be Asymptomatic Carriers Of Coronavirus

Feb 18, 2020 | World News

This list of cancelled sports events around the world continues to grow, it’s stretching farther out into the future, and it’s more widespread…

Much has been said of “asymptomatic” transmission.

In a nutshell, this is when a person is infected with Covid-19, but isn’t showing any signs of symptoms of being infected, yet the infected person can still transmit the virus to other people.

Enter the professional athlete: Strong, physically fit, and uber-healthy.

In other words, professional athletes are, arguably, the virus’s ideal asymptomatic carriers as most of them will get, if anything, maybe a case of the sniffles.

Regardless of whether this asymptomatic transmission is a direct consideration in various sporting events being moved to a new location, postponed or even outright cancelled, it is clear that more and more events are in fact being affected.

The San Diego Union-Tribune has a pretty good consolidated list of sports events that are affected due to the Covid-10 outbreak (pandemic?).

This was just published this morning.

It’s an alphabetized list, and here’s a small sampling of it:


World indoor championships in Nanjing from March 13-15 postponed to March 2021.

Hong Kong Marathon on Feb. 9 cancelled.

Asian indoor championships in Hangzhou from Feb. 12-13 cancelled.

Tokyo Marathon on March 1: Restricted to elite runners.


Formula One’s Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai on April 19 postponed. New date not set.

Formula E’s Sanya E-Prix in Sanya on March 21 cancelled.

Now, some may counter and say that while physically fit, able-bodied athletes have milder cases of the disease in general, those athletes would also be more susceptible to a cytokine storm, which is where the body’s immune system overwhelms an area, basically like dropping a nuclear bomb on an enemy when a simple, minor assault would have been all that was needed to wipe out the foreign invader, in this case, the deadly Wuhan coronavirus, but there is an awareness of cytokine storms by medical professionals, along with an awareness of who is at risk for them, so actions, including treatment of the cytokine storm, can be taken to reduce the risk of this potentially vital organ harming immunological response.

Will the Olympics be cancelled in 2020?

So far, there is nary a mention of Covid-19 on the Olympic.org website:

It’s business as usual, and it’s less than six months away.

Additionally, Tokyo2020.org does not have any news to report other than the usual pre-Olympic happenings:

Is the world about to be “United by Emotion”, and then united by a whole lot more?

Article written by Silver Doctors Editors

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